Friday, May 11, 2007

People need to communicate

When moon rises...
he communicates through his pleasant shine...
When flower blooms...
It communicates through its beautifull sight...
When clouds have decided they will pour...
It communicates through the color black...
When people have something to say...
I feel nobody is a mind reader...
So u need to communicate...

Just tired of how we still blame it on lack of communication between people...:(

1 comment:

Shirsha said...

Yup, we do need to communicate. But different ppl are like different participants of nature. Some ppl communicate like the moon by shining on, others are like the flower, the speak with the smell and the beauty... That way.
I donno if you were referring to a more personal topic here than am aware of, but generally different ppl communicate in different ways, different frequencies, and only when frequencies match do they become frnds!